Bodyguard Services

To ensure your comfort, we offer highly skilled bodyguards who can identify and stop any threat at any moment.

Professional bodyguard services represent the protection of individuals and legal entities aimed at the permanent or temporary protection of the life and property of the client, as well as the prevention of emergencies.

Guardian Wings offers the following:

  • One-time escort to an event, meeting, outing, etc.
  • Daily security during the client's working hours.
  • Bodyguard for an hour (hourly all-round protection).
  • Round-the-clock protection (24/7).

During conversations with clients, our specialists develop individual methods for organizing their safety. 

Before getting to the task, each bodyguard receives a package of instructions to ensure the client’s protection and comfort.

Our bodyguards are responsible for determining safe routes for the client and escorting him/her. The team also checks new locations, monitors staff and surroundings, and restricts access to the customer.

Next service

Our advantages

We are quick

It usually takes us up to 2 weeks to process any request and immediately start the work


Training and development

Our qualified guards undergo a rigorous selection process


System control

The work of our security officers is monitored using the latest technologies


Communication with our experts

Our experts are available 24/7 to answer your questions and give you peace of mind


Individual approach

Our experts are available 24/7 to aWe take each approach individually to offer you the most optimal solution


How we operate

We are always a call away

We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week: by phone, mail, or via the form on the website

Budget estimate

We provide prompt evaluation and inform you by phone about existing offers

On-site visit

Our specialist will visit the corresponding location for a comprehensive assessment and calculation of the security system

Project Approval

We carefully process each request, taking into account the customer's requirements

No Strings attached

Unlike other companies, you are not required to sign a long-term contract immediately as you will be given a trial period

We take responsibility

Upon providing security service, we take full responsibility for your safety

For Our Honorabe Clients

Free Consulting

Call us 24/7 at (626) 342-6733 or fill out the form.
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