In case you were not able to find the answer to your specific question, do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email, or the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Should I choose armed or unarmed security?

Armed security suits for specific events and short-term stints where there should be a higher-than-usual chance of a security incident. Common events include parties, conferences, and the like. The use of an unarmed security guard service is needed in situations where crime rates are lower or less severe. Unarmed security can keep calm under pressure while keeping everything under control. If you doubt which one to choose, contact our specialists for a free consultation.

How many Guards do I need?

The number of guards you may need will depend on your assessed risk level. if a higher risk level may need more than one guard. Of course, if your risk level is very low, you may only need one. These are factors that you will have the opportunity to discuss with our experts.

When do I sign an agreement?

Before starting service our specialists discuss all the details with the client, and then sign a general agreement within two weeks.

How far in advance should I make a request?

The sooner the better! On average roughly two weeks in advance to contact our team.

Is private security legal?

Private Security is legal as we follow all local, state and federal regulations pertaining to operating a private security company.

Do you offer  24-hour security services?

Yes. In addition to covering regular business hours, we frequently provide after-hour and around-the-clock guard services and patrols.

What industries do you serve?

Our security service is used in a wide variety of industries. Banks, offices, business centers, shops, supermarkets, shopping centers, beauty salons, restaurants, bars, cafes, night clubs, hotels, private houses, residential complexes, apartment buildings, educational facilities, hospitals, medical centers, pharmacies and dispensaries are just a few of the popular areas where our services are used.

Our advantages

We are quick

It usually takes us up to 2 weeks to process any request and immediately start the work


Training and development

Our qualified guards undergo a rigorous selection process


System control

The work of our security officers is monitored using the latest technologies


Communication with our experts

Our experts are available 24/7 to answer your questions and give you peace of mind


Individual approach

Our experts are available 24/7 to aWe take each approach individually to offer you the most optimal solution


How we operate

We are always a call away

We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week: by phone, mail, or via the form on the website

Budget estimate

We provide prompt evaluation and inform you by phone about existing offers

On-site visit

Our specialist will visit the corresponding location for a comprehensive assessment and calculation of the security system

Project Approval

We carefully process each request, taking into account the customer's requirements

No Strings attached

Unlike other companies, you are not required to sign a long-term contract immediately as you will be given a trial period

We take responsibility

Upon providing security service, we take full responsibility for your safety

For Our Honorabe Clients

Free Consulting

Call us 24/7 at (626) 342-6733 or fill out the form.
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